Sunday, January 06, 2008

Welcome, 2008!

Well, 2007 is finally over, and I hope my medical woes are, too. I am finally starting to regain some strength and stamina. Anyone who knows me could hardly believe the description of me as frail, but that has been as good a word as any for the past month or so.

My New Year's Resolution is to never, ever have my gall bladder removed again. I'm pretty sure I can stick to it.

I finally got fed up with the poor performance and non-existent customer service at Yahoo/Geocities, so I switched my website over to a new host, 1&1. The new homepage is:

I also got the domain which goes to the same place.

I may eventually move all my e-mail there, but for now, everything else is the same.

One fun thing about the new host is that I get a lot more space and monthly transfer allowance. I plan to post a lot of music -- both new and old -- on the website. Stay tuned!