This week I reached a milestone of sorts. I paid $1.99 per gallon for gasoline. This is exactly 10 times the least I ever paid for gasoline. One day some time in the mid 60s, I heard on the radio about a gas station in Topeka that was in a "gas war" (hmm... it seems that term could also be used for the impending conflict in Iraq) with the station across the street, and had lowered its price to 19.9 cents a gallon. At that time, gas was normally in the 24-25 cent range, so it seemed worth it to drive an hour to Topeka to fill up the tank of my 1956 Chevy, which got about 8 miles to the gallon.
I'm not really all that upset about the prices we pay today, actually. If you look at the price of gas over time vs. inflation, I think it's remained pretty steady, with some temporary jumps up and down over the years. Of course, the price of petroleum-derived energy is probably one of the component that drive inflation so I may just be ignoring the obvious.