Monday, January 23, 2006

Tall Jazz

A fine local jazz group is Tall Jazz. This group consists of Dan Presley on bass, Mike Horsfall on piano and vibes, and David Averre on drums. Check them out at

I had the pleasure of watching Dan Presley (and yes, he is tall) doing his bass thing up close on Saturday night at the Fireside jam. He had sent one of his students down to get some practical experience (he was quite good, by the way), and then he decided to sit in for a few numbers himself. It was quite a treat. Dan's playing is strong, fluid, and he's always in control. Plus, his intonation is excellent even in the upper register, which is one of my pet peeves with many string bass players.

That's one of the joys of an open jam -- you never know what's going to happen, or who's going to fall by.